
How to improve the security of your Android app

Written by Hannah Godwin | Jan 8, 2024 12:18:00 PM

As an Android app developer, taking security seriously is essential.  Data suggest that 82% of Android devices were vulnerable to at least one of 25 vulnerabilities in the Android operating system. With 23% of Android apps labeled “malicious,” developers must work hard to maintain a good reputation and keep customers engaged with their content.

Android apps can be susceptible to many security threats, including security breaches. Unauthorized access to private data can lead to significant financial and reputational damage. Malicious software can also be embedded in apps without developers’ knowledge to steal information or damage user devices, and there’s also been a rise in Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (MITM), where attackers intercept communication between the app and the server to gain unauthorized access to data.

Below, we’ve put together some strategies for improving the security of your software. 


Implement security measures 



One of the simplest things you can do as an Android app developer is switch to  HTTPS for all your network communication. This will keep data transmitted between your app and the server encrypted. As a basic security standard, you should also use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) to safeguard data integrity and confidentiality.


Keep code secure 

As a developer, you have a duty of care to keep your code secure and resilient against attacks. You can do this by regularly updating and auditing your code to patch any vulnerabilities and shield against reverse engineering using tools like ProGuard, which can shrink, optimize, and obfuscate your code, making it harder for attackers to decipher.



Strong authentication and authorization mechanisms are another simple way to make your app more secure. One way is to request multiple verification forms from your users, and OAuth can help secure authorization. Biometric authentication is another option that can be used on modern Android smartphones, offering an added layer of security.



Storing sensitive data requires the utmost caution as a developer. You should store sensitive data such as passwords and personal information in encrypted form and avoid storing sensitive information in external storage. We also recommend utilizing robust encryption standards for data at rest and in transit.


Security audits

Regular security audits and testing will keep your team at the top of their game and iron out any potential security challenges before they arise. Some developers simulate attacks to identify vulnerabilities in their apps, while conducting regular code reviews can help you identify and rectify security flaws. Outdated libraries can be a source of vulnerabilities, so only use modern libraries and technologies to ensure your app remains compliant. 


Session handling

Manage user sessions securely by utilizing tokens for managing sessions and ensuring they expire after a set period. If cookies are used, select secure attributes like HttpOnly and Secure. Remember that Google plans to turn off cookies in 2024, so look for alternatives. 


Educating users

Finally, remember that the weakest link in security is often the user. Educate your users about safe usage practices, like avoiding the installation of apps from untrusted sources recognizing phishing attempts, and prompt them to change their passwords regularly. 


Wrapping up

Securing your Android app is a continuous process that evolves with emerging threats. By implementing these strategies, you protect your app, your users' trust, and your brand's reputation. At Monedata, we prioritize the security and privacy of your users, adhering to industry standards such as Google Play guidelines and EU and UK GDPR. Click here to learn more and switch to our alternative monetization solution today.