Google’s upcoming mass app deletion on the Play Store: What developers need to know

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the chances are that you’ve heard about Google's announcement of a mass app deletion on the Play Store, set to commence on August 31.

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App development trends shaping the industry

We've put together some of the biggest app development trends shaping the industry. Read on for more!

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How to put privacy at the centre of your Android app

We've put together some of the ways in which you can make privacy a focus for your business.

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Why your Android app is losing users (and how to win them back)

We deep dive into the reasons why users might be abandoning your app and, most importantly, how to win them back.

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How to succeed in a competitive Android app market

The Monedata team has put together the strategies you should consider to excel in the Android app market…

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How to maintain your Android app without breaking the bank

How can you maintain your Android app without breaking the bank? We've put together everything you need to know!

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How to use data to improve your Android app

We've put together some tips on how to use data to improve your app and meet the needs of your customers. Check back soon for more guidance.

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Building an Android app for different screen sizes and foldables

We've put together some tips on building an Android app for different screen sizes.

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Why you should consider integrating AI into your app as a developer

We've put together everything you need to know about introducing AI into your app. Check back soon for the latest from the Monedata team - we update the blog every month.

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Our tips for responding to app feedback

We've put together some advice on how best to respond to customer feedback on your Android app. Know what to say, when, and why it makes a difference.

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Developing a high-converting landing page for your Android app

We've put together everything you need to know about developing a high-converting landing page for your Android app. Check back soon for the latest.

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Why your app should avoid ads

We've put together some of the reasons why you should consider avoiding using ads on your app.

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How personalisation through AI is changing the app experience

In this blog post, we discuss the importance of personalisation in the world of app development, and explore how AI could help.

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How to improve the security of your Android app

We've put together some of the ways you can protect your brand from harm and ensure customer data does not enter into the wrong hands.

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Why you need an MVP for your app

We've put together just some of the reasons why you should consider an MVP for your app. Check back soon for more from the Monedata team.

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What developers need to know about Google's Consent Management Requirements

Stay informed about Google's Consent Management Requirements for developers. Learn how these changes can impact your app and how to ensure compliance to maximize your app's revenue.

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App security standards you should know about

Your app's security is more important than ever. Learn about app security standards, including testing, secure coding, API security, and more. Boost your app's revenue and protect your users today.

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Key Android App User Behaviour Trends You Need to Know

Discover the latest user behavior trends in Android app development, from privacy concerns to dark mode adoption and the importance of personalization. Stay ahead of the competition and align your app with user expectations. Boost your app's revenue with Monedata. Sign up now!

2 min read
Why users are uninstalling your Android app — and how to change it

It’s every app developer’s nightmare: receiving feedback that users are uninstalling their Android app. But it happens. According to Localytics, 78% of users uninstall an app within 90 days. The…

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How to improve user experience (UX) on your Android app

Now more than ever, user experience can make or break your app and its chances of long-term success. Indeed, the way users engage with mobile apps can directly impact their relationship with brands —…

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