
Why your Android app is losing users (and how to win them back)

Written by Hannah Godwin | May 26, 2024 9:02:36 AM

You've poured your heart and soul into building an Android app.

You've envisioned it changing the world, becoming a daily essential. 

But then reality hits: downloads are slowing, and uninstalls are climbing. 

You’re not alone: 50% of users uninstall apps within the first seven days of installing them.

Although you can’t force users to interact with your app and become lifelong users, you can employ some strategies to change things. Below, we deep dive into the reasons why users might be abandoning your app and, most importantly, how to win them back.


Why are users leaving?

The mobile app landscape is a battlefield. 

With literally millions of apps vying for a sliver of our attention, the bar for engagement is high. And first impressions count. The initial launch sets the tone. A confusing onboarding process, excessive permission requests, or a clunky UI can leave users feeling frustrated and lost. If they can't grasp the app's value within minutes, they'll delete faster than you can say "tutorial." Data shows that 15.6% of uninstalls happen due to a poor registration process.

Speed is also essential. Nobody wants a sluggish app. Crashes, bugs, and slow loading times scream "amateur hour, " leading to uninstallations. Ensure smooth performance across various devices and Android versions. And think also about solving problems. What problem does your app solve? Users won't stick around if they can't answer that question quickly.  Communicate your app's core benefit and how it simplifies or enriches their lives.

Sometimes, less is more. Too many features can overwhelm users, especially in the early stages. There’s a reason why Facebook or TikTok hasn't replicated the “app for everything” philosophy that works in some Asian markets: Western users don’t like it. Prioritise core functionalities and introduce advanced features later based on user feedback.

Data privacy is a top priority for users today. Be transparent about what data you collect and how you use it, and have strong security measures in place. If you don’t, your company could develop a bad reputation - and users will actively avoid downloading your content. Finally, think about regular content - an app that feels stagnant is a recipe for user boredom. Regularly update your app with fresh content, features, and bug fixes to keep users happy.


How to retain existing users

Time for some positive news: the hardest part is getting users to download your app in the first place, so congratulations! Although retention can be challenging, you’ve already given people a reason to download your app and use it, so don’t waste the opportunity to turn them into loyal customers or users. First up, make sure you listen to users. Reviews, surveys, and in-app feedback mechanisms are gold mines. Actively solicit user feedback and use it to identify pain points and areas for improvement.

And get your onboarding process right. Make those first few minutes count. Create a clear, concise onboarding that walks users through the app's core functionalities and highlights its value proposition. Regularly test your app across various devices and Android versions. Identify and fix performance bottlenecks to ensure a smooth, seamless user experience.

Today's users crave personalisation. Consider implementing features that allow users to customise settings, content feeds, or notifications based on their preferences. Loyalty programs, gamification elements, and exclusive content can motivate users to keep coming back. Just be sure the rewards are meaningful and don't disrupt the core user experience.

Well-crafted push notifications can remind users of the app's value and prompt them to re-engage. However, avoid notification spam. New features, bug fixes, and fresh content are essential to keeping users engaged. Maintain a regular update schedule to demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement.


Wrapping up

Building a successful app takes time and dedication. By understanding why users leave and implementing these strategies to win them back, you can turn your app into a user magnet and achieve long-term success on the Google Play battlefield. Make sure you’re subscribed to the Monedata blog for regular news, updates, and advice on running a successful Android app.