Why is it important to keep the Monedata SDK up to date?

Get the most out of your work by doing this simple process. Updating our SDK periodically means more income. As a developer, you want to get the most out of your apps. You have decided to work with…

1 min read
How to design an effective landing page for an app.

A complete guide on how to create a landing page that coverts visitors into users of your app. It includes a downloadable checklist.

5 min read
Branding for Mobile Applications: how to create a brand image that translates into more users.

Competition is fierce in the app markets, your app has to stand out for its quality and powerful brand image. According to Statista, at the end of 2020 there were already more than three million apps…

5 min read
How to get reviews for your app.

Getting positive reviews for your apps A good number of positive reviews in an app store will make the difference to position and to get more users. Here we tell you how. Users not only find…

2 min read
Strategies to grow your apps.

Increase the number of users of your apps with these strategies from pro developers and download our checklist to help you do it. Once your app is developed, the work of getting users and maintaining…

5 min read
How to earn more money with my apps.

Make the most out of your apps with this this mini guide of good practices in the sale of data, with tricks and tips. You have developed several apps and you want to get the most out of your work and…

2 min read
The false myths about the sale of data.

Technology has advanced more in recent decades than in all of its previous history. Data is part of this advance and its use will continue to increase.

3 min read